Identification of Medicinal product (EN ISO 11615)
EN-ISO 11615 Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information
ISO ballots:
- 1st edition published in 2012
- NP ballot: 2009-05-12 until 2009-08-12 (NP= new project)
- DIS ballot: 2010-09-23 until 2011-02-25 (DIS = draft international standard)
- FDIS ballot: 2012-02-16 until 2012-04-25 (FDIS= final DIS)
- 2nd edition published in 2017
- NP ballot: 2015-07-10 until 2015-09-10
- DIS ballot: 2016-08-09 until 2016-11-02
- CEN ballots:
- 1st edition published in 2012:
- Decision on project approval: 2007-10-05
- Enquiry ballot in parallel with ISO/DIS ballot: 2010-09-23 until 2011-02-23
- Formal Vote ballot in parallel with ISO/FDIS ballot: 2012-02-23
until 2012-04-23
- 2nd edition published in 2017:
- Decision on revision (following ISO/NP ballot): 2015-11-06
- Enquiry ballot in parallel with ISO/DIS ballot: 2016-08-11 until 2016-11-01