Identification of substances (CEN ISO TS 19844)
CEN-ISO/TS 19844 Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products (IDMP) — Implementation guidelines for ISO 11238 for data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances
ISO ballots:
1st edition published in 2015:
NP ballot: 2013-12-13 until 2014-03-18
DTS ballot: 2014-11-07 until 2015-01-07
2nd edition published in 2017:
NP ballot: 2015-07-18 until 2015-09-18
WG6 consultation: 2015-09-24 until 2015-10-22
DTS ballot: 2016-01-14 until 2016-03-14
3rd edition published in 2018:
NP ballot: 2016-02-15 until 2016-04-15
WG6 consultation: 2016-05-06 until 2016-05-31
DTS ballot: 2017-07-12 until 2017-09-06
WG6 consultation: 2017-12-09 until 2017-12-21
CEN ballots:
1st edition published in 2015:
Decision on project approval: 2014-12-16
Decision to adopt: 2015-12-23
2nd edition published in 2017:
Decision on project approval: 2016-01-05
DTS ballot: 2017-03-30 until 2017-06-22
3rd edition published in 2018:
Decision to adopt: to take place in 2018