Mr Andrew Marr (UK)
It is very pleasing to receive this award and disappointing not to be able to make it in person to Paestum to collect it, in the presence of (most of) the others recipients. It has been very rewarding to work with such great experts over the years, not just the folks who were nominated for the rewards but for the whole of the ISO community which has provided invaluable support throughout. As someone who was heavily involved in persuading ICH to work with SDOs in the development of standards, including IDMP, I have been with this project since before its birth. Importantly, the standards and implementation guides provide a basis not only for use in ‘regulatory-related processes’ but in the wider healthcare community. I have no doubt that to work with SDOs, and in particular ISO TC215, has led to levels of comprehensiveness, of quality for these standards and implementation guides and the opportunities for use, well beyond what could have been achieved within ICH.
It’s been a pleasure to work with you all.
Mrs Ilaria Del Seppia (Italy)
I am sincerely pleased and honoured for this ISO Award nomination: our hard work led to successful achievements.
I feel privileged that I have been given the opportunity to be part of this utterly qualified team and the whole ISO community.
Mr Vada Perkins (USA)
I would like to state that it was truly an honor to have served with all of you. The collective contributions by such a dynamic team is what made this possible. There is no doubt in my mind that, as the years and decades progress, we would have accomplished something that foundationally acts as a global catalyst for better quality, safety, and efficacy of medicinal products worldwide. It wouldn’t have happened without such a dedicated team of individuals and support from our organizations who had confidence in our abilities to make this a reality.
Mr Christopher Jarvis 
I am most honoured to hear that such recognition is being offered to us in the form of ISO Excellence Awards. The IDMP project has indeed been a lengthy, sometimes difficult journey (as is the case with most worthwhile endeavours), but it has also been extremely rewarding and enjoyable, thanks in enormous part to the core people involved, with whom I have formed genuine, even close friendships. When you spend so much time working together intensely over the years, often far from home in remarkable parts of the world, the character of the people involved has such an impact on the final result, and I really do think that we were blessed in that respect.
Many thanks and congratulations are owed to the entire team, past and present, for bringing this ambitious and far-reaching project home.